The Implausibly Famous!

Welcome to the implausibly famous website of Kits Coty Morris. We are a mixed morris side, with both men and women embracing a variety of ages all having an interest in morris dancing, folk music, fun and good fellowship.

Nobody really knows when or where morris dancing originated, some think it derives from moorish dancing –possibly from North Africa - and its first mention seems to have been in the 15th century. But undoubtedly both men and women will have danced together for fun, fine weather and fertility as long ago as legs were invented. Towards the end of the 19th century morris dancing was lapsing into obscurity but it enjoyed a major revival thanks to Cecil Sharp, who toured England noting down a huge number of dances – both steps and music. Various composers such as Percy Grainger, Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughan Williams did likewise, collecting a vast number of folk songs and dance tunes from throughout the land.  
Various types of morris dancing enjoyed a revival and Kits Coty Morris dance in the Cotswold tradition, using bells, sticks and white handkerchiefs.
The side takes its name from Kits Coty House (known to us as ‘The Stones’) on Bluebell Hill - three standing stones and a very large capstone, which are all that remain of an ancient long barrow tomb where an important chieftain was once laid to rest, looking out over the North Downs and the Medway Valley. Our oldest member is ‘Iggy’ otherwise known as Iguanodon Mantelli (OK so the name's been changed a couple of times - but you don't want to ruin the story...), Maidstone’s own dinosaur, revived some years ago after a sleep of more than 120 million years in a nearby quarry.
Our home
Every May Day morning, from 5.32 am we dance at Kits Coty Stones, an ancient megalith located on the slope overlooking the Medway Valley to celebrate the ancient festival of Beltane and the official beginning of our dancing season. Together with our audience (always surprising how many appear at that ungodly hour) we brave the elements or enjoy the sunshine, dancing and performing our special May Day rituals, including consuming various warming and fortifying beverages and cake, dancing, bugle calls and a blessing from our Kits Coty fog horn.  
From then we are to be seen on most Thursdays and some weekends throughout the summer, dancing at a variety of pubs, festivals, fêtes, shows, weddings and many other events where our presence is welcomed.
Our Squire
We hope you enjoy what you see here, and hope to see you throughout the season!
If you would like us to participate in your fete, festival, or frolic next year, please contact our Escribe...
Our Escribe
As well as dancing out at pubs and at a variety of events, musical evenings, parties, ceilidhs and an annual Feast form a major part of our annual schedule. If you would like to be part of this friendly and fun-loving group, please either email us at, or come and talk to us when you see us dancing or even better just turn up at 8.00 pm on any Thursday between 1st October and 30th April at our practice venue in The Farleighs WI Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME15 0HG (see map at bottom of page) where you will receive a warm welcome, be given the chance to observe us practising our dances and if you wish, be given the opportunity to dip your toe.
Our Foreman
Adrian has been dancing with Kits Coty for over 30 years, and was taught by our previous Foreman, Colin. 
He teaches all the dances, and sometimes introduces new ones, which he hopes the side will remember. 
He is also one of the side’s musicians and the side’s Fool!  (photo courtesy Barry@pixelsonapage)
Our Bagman
The Kits Coty Morris treasurer. Please feel free to contact anyone you see here, or indeed any member of the side.
Kits Coty Morris has been entertaining the Kent community since 1977...
Thursday night pub stands...
Other places to see us
Other confirmed events:  

May 1st, 0532 hrs, Kits Coty Stones
1030 hrs- ish... Spadework Garden Centre, Offham ME19 5NA
1300 hrs- ish... Ightham Mote TN15 0NT
1630 hrs- ish... The Good Intent, ME15 0NN
Please note - times may be subject to variation thoughout the day...

06 May 2024 -- Musket Brewery, Loddington Farm ME17 4AG

11th May 2024 -- Dandelion Time Charity - May Fair, ME15 0NY

06 July 2024 -- Capel Fete, TN12 6RD
Procession 12:00 pm and dancing afterwards

6 October 2024 -- Tenterden Folk Festival; 10:30 onwards

Want to know more? You can contact us using this form.

We practice from October to April on Thursday evenings from 8:00 PM at The Farleighs WI Hall, Maidstone, Kent 
ME15 0HG
 (see map below), followed by refreshment at The Good Intent, ME15 0NN.